In response to mounting concerns over the illegal dumping of fly ash by industries in Chhattisgarh, the state government has pledged to take strict measures to address the issue. This assurance was given during a session at the Assembly on Monday, following queries raised by Leader of Opposition Charandas Mahant.
In the absence of Housing and Environment Minister O P Choudhary, Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal stepped in, affirming the government’s commitment to enforcing laws regulating the disposal of fly ash by industries. Fly ash, a byproduct of various industrial processes, finds application in the production of cement, bricks, roads, and can also be disposed of in designated mines and landfills.
Mahant drew attention to the alarming trend of over 50% of fly ash being indiscriminately dumped on roadsides in Korba and Raigarh, citing concerns about its adverse health effects on residents. Major industries such as Jindal, NTPC, and BALCO were singled out for their involvement in such activities.
Questions were raised regarding the verification process of fly ash disposal by the state government, with Mahant alleging lax enforcement and rampant violations by industries in Raigarh and Korba. He stressed the importance of adhering to regulations stipulating the covering of dumped fly ash with soil to mitigate environmental risks.
Minister Jaiswal assured the Assembly that the government conducts regular checks on fly ash disposal, addressing 169 cases and imposing penalties totaling Rs 2,74,16000 since 2021. While acknowledging the absence of specific complaints regarding violations, he reiterated the government’s commitment to promptly addressing any such issues raised.
The government, in response to Mahant’s plea for stringent action, emphasized the need for heightened vigilance to safeguard public health from the hazards posed by careless fly ash dumping. Industries found flouting regulations will face consequences, underscoring the administration’s resolve to tackle the issue effectively.
In conclusion, the Chhattisgarh government’s proactive stance on combatting illegal fly ash dumping reflects its commitment to environmental sustainability and public welfare. By enforcing stringent measures and holding violators accountable, the government aims to mitigate the adverse impacts of fly ash on the state’s ecosystem and safeguard the health of its citizens.